Woollinn Re Cap

Woollinn Re Cap

Hello lovelies,

I hope everyone has been enjoying some warmer weather and that your knitting mojo is strong, needles pointy and yarn glidey.

I know I don't blog half as often as I should, I'll fully admit that time management for the administration side of Townhouse Yarns has never been my strong point, It's much easier to lock myself away in the dye studio and dye all the things. I dream of a day where I can take on a staff member or two and be in a better position to split my time more effectively. Any takers?

With school summer holidays having begun for one out of my two kids (I write this with the echoes of Pokemon in the background) and less of my time begin spent in This is Knit, I do hope to find more time to keep you all up to speed with the exciting plans that are afoot for Townhouse Yarns before the end of 2018. For now though, here is a little re-cap of our inaugural yarn festival Woollinn Dublin.


Woollinn Marketplace @ A Playful day

After 9 months of plotting and planning behind the scenes, it was very surreal to see it finally all come together and, in equal measures, a little scary. Like being handed your 1st born and having that thought of  "I really hope I don't break you". The good news is.. We didn't, phew. It was a jam packed weekend of workshops, demos, talks and more wool then you could shake your needles at!

It's hard to believe that Woollinn was only 3 short weeks ago though. It sure feels like so much longer, the come down has been quite immense. A full weekend of being surrounded by so many amazing people in this industry, from designers to fellow dyers and, of course, the wonderful customers who support us in doing this thing we love so much. It's safe to say the serotonin levels were through the (very high) ceiling.

The inspiring Kate Davies was with us to read from her new book Handywoman, a memoir of her creative life. If you managed to make this talk then I envy you. I've heard amazing reports from people who did attend and I'm looking forward to reading the book myself.

The ever empowering and all around rock star Kate O'Sullivan of A Playful Day was also with us for the weekend and held a Make Good Feel Good photo-shoot for every person. Every BODY. This was about supporting one another to all get that little feel good factor going. You can view all the images over on the Woollinn website now. I'm so glad we nabbed a few minutes before the Saturday Social to get this picture of the 3 of us as we'd spent a good chunk of the weekend passing like ships in the night.

Jacqui, Jenny & Lisa.

The Woollinn Organisers @A Playful Day

Another highlight of the weekend was the 'Yarn in Ireland' panel hosted by Nadia of The Cottage Notebook podcast. The panel consisted of Irish designer's Carol Feller and Edel MacBride as well as Irish Fleece spinner and dyer Diarmuid Cummins of S Twist Wool, rounded off nicely with a 3rd Generation Spinning Wheel Maker, Johnny Shiels. This was a free event and a great opportunity to tap into the minds of people with two hands and feet in the Irish yarn industry. Nadia recorded the talk and you can listen back to it over on her podcast now.

We had a wonderful array of home grown and European hand-dyers and accessory makers with us too, from Dye Candy, EweMomma, Babbles Yarns and Emerald Fibres to the rude and obnoxious Countess Ablaze (she made me say that!), Walk Collection, Handdyed Berlin, The Little Grey Girl and Yarnistry. There was something new and gorgeous to be found down every aisle.

Speaking of new things, on the This is Knit stand, I launched a new yarn base 'Olla' which is a fingering weight Irish Milled 100% pure wool, so something very different to my usual bases. It is fabulous to work with and I've created a mix of semi solids and even some fun speckled colour ways. The wonderfully talented Ailbíona McLochlainn has designed the very romantic Scéal Grá pattern using Olla and they are a match made in yarn heaven. The delicate lace and A-Line shaping make a very flattering sweater and I'm looking forward to making my own version soon.

Sceal Gra

Scéal Grá @LBhandknits


There is so much I haven't managed to say about the weekend so there may need to be a re-cap part 2.

For now though, it was so much fun, we're doing it all again next year.

Pop June 14th & 15th 2019 in your diaries and sign up to the Woollinn Newsletter to keep up to date with everything you'll need to know!

Jenny xx

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