Yarnfolk Festival of Wool

Yarnfolk Festival of Wool

Calling all Yarn(y)folk..!

Yarnfolk Festival of Wool is just around the corner and preparation is in full swing in the Dye Studio.

If you haven't heard about it yet, let me take a minute to fill you in.

It's a brand new yarn festival taking place in Whitehead, on the coast of Antrim Northern Ireland on Saturday 5th August kicking off at 10am. Tickets are very reasonably priced and you can grab yours here.  With the venues only 2 minutes walk from the local train station, traveling from surrounding counties should be a breeze.


I'm delighted to be vending in the company of indie dyers such as Dye Candy, Skein Queen, Green Elephant Yarns, Ellie and Ada along with the gentleman super spinner that is Diarmuid of S Twist Wool to name just a few. For more class info and list of vendors check out the Yarnfolk Facebook Page.

Also this event is going to be a totally nerve wracking experience as this will be my first ever exhibition, so if I look a bit like a deer in headlights, that's why!

Plans are afoot for the set up and display and we are hoping to put together an eye-widening stand for you, jam packed with project inspiring shades and samples.

So who's coming for a yarn binge? I know my bag will be going home a little heavier :)

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